
Now, when certain heroes reach their maximum level, you may continue to strengthen them through a feature called Augment. This new and exciting feature allows you to increase several things:


1. Your hero’s attack and defense

2. Your hero’s Ability levels 




1. Augmenting is only available for starting and legendary heroes.


2. After a hero has reached level 30, you may click the Augment button, to continue leveling your hero.


3. Heroes may augment a maximum of three times, after reaching level 30, 40, and 50.


4. After augmenting, a hero will return to level 1. All items equipped at the time of augmenting will continue to work despite the fact that the hero is below the required minimum level. It should be noted, however, that if any of these items are unequipped, the hero will not be able to reequip them until they once again reach the required level.


5. After returning to level 1, a hero’s Attack and Defense boost rate of increase will grow according to the number of times they have augmented.


6. Heroes still need experience to level up after augmenting; required experience will increase by 10% each time.


7. After augmenting your hero, their Ability level limit will increase.


8. Heroes cannot augment while in battle.