Backup Retinue

The Hero Retinue is a new feature which allows you to store extra heroes, when they are not being used, expanding the total amount of heroes a you can recruit. While the limit for active heroes will remain at 13, you can place additional heroes in the Retinue, where they will remain, until being switched with an active hero. 



1. Heroes in the Retinue will not be usable until they are switched with an active hero.


2. All players start with 2 retinue slots. Later, they may expand their retinue up to 5 slots using gold. Potentially, players can have a total of 18 heroes.


3. Your research level will not influence the number of slots in your Retinue.


4. Heroes may take equipped items into the retinue.


5. Heroes in the retinue can do the following:

a. Use items intended for heroes such as Art of War Critique and Martial Strategies

b. Equip and remove gear

c. Level up and assign unused stat points

d. Augment and Enhance stats.


6. In the Arena, all heroes may rally troops, but only those not in the Retinue may actually participate in battle. This allows you to observe which heroes are best for the battle at hand.