Hello, all!
We are very pleased to announce that www.koramgame.com will be undergoing a complete overhaul starting December 2nd, at 1:00AM (PST). You will still be able to log on to the website and play our games during this time, but certain payment options will be temporarily offline, including Adparlor, Super Rewards, SponsorPay, Mopay, Bill4net, and 2Pay. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
New and improved website features include:
1. More Languages! The new website now supports English, French, German, Italian and several other languages. The language displayed will be automatically chosen based upon your system settings and you’ll have the option to select a different language, as well.
a) The new koramgame.com home page will only display games, ads, and announcements in the language currently being viewed.
b) The new koramgame.com game page will list games according to the language currently selected.
c) The new koramgame.com will link you to the forum of the language you’re currently using.
2. Introducing, KCoins! The new payment page will display the games currently available in your selected language. Buying game currency only takes three easy steps: purchase KCoins using one of our many supported payment methods, select the game you’re playing, and exchange your KCoins for that game’s currency. Using KCoins is a safe, simple, and convenient way to allow you to re-charge several game accounts at once, without having to input your personal information every single time!
3. The Customer Support page has been tailored to assist players with individual language versions of each game. This will help streamline our customer support, as well as allow our multilingual players to keep a single account to keep track of questions for all language versions of the games they play, without having to log out and log in for each language they play!
If you’ve got any questions or encounter any problems after the update, please let us know at cs@koramgame.com, and we’ll get right on it!
Happy playing!
The Koramgame team
November 1st, 2010
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